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Developing A Creative Mindset

Gary M. Smith
Executive Creative Director
January 13, 2024

Creativity in branding and marketing isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s the heart of standout strategies. It’s what sets you apart in a world where everyone is vying for attention. Embracing a creative mindset is about breaking free from the usual and crafting something extraordinary.

Key Elements of a Creative Mindset in Branding:

Stay Curious

The most creative brands are always asking questions. They dig deeper to better learn their audience and find new ways to connect with them. This curiosity leads to innovative approaches that resonate on a deeper level.

Risk and Reward

Creativity means being disruptive.  It means stepping out of your comfort zone. It’s about daring to be different and recognizing that the biggest risks often lead to the biggest rewards. Big ideas are often those ideas that make you uncomfortable.


Great ideas don’t happen in isolation. Creative brands foster a culture where everyone can throw ideas into the ring. It's all about collaboration, mixing different perspectives to create something truly unique.

Never Stop Learning

For me, learning is an “addiction”.  The world doesn’t stand still, and neither should your brand. Staying creative means keeping up with trends, learning new things, and adapting to stay ahead of the game.

Storytelling That Sticks

It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. Creative branding is about telling your story in a way that sticks with your audience and not only makes them want to come back for more, it makes them want to share that story.  

Creativity Meets Strategy

It's not just about wild ideas; it’s about smart, strategic thinking. The best creative brands know their audience inside out and tailor their creativity to hit the mark.

Look at brands like Red Bull or Spotify. They don’t just sell products; they sell experiences and emotions. They stand out because they think differently and aren’t afraid to show it.

If you want your brand to be noticed, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Think creatively. Be disruptive. It’s about pushing boundaries, telling stories that matter, and always being one step ahead.

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