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A Brave New Era for the NFL Network: Envisioning a Digital Transformation with a Modern Brand Identity

Undertaking the mission to marry the NFL's cherished legacy with the allure of digital innovation, we facilitated the network's transition into the modern digital age. This case emphasizes our steadfast belief in design as an impactful tool for change and showcases the blend of tradition and innovation that led to the inception of the NFL's groundbreaking new identity, NFL+.


The National Football League, globally revered as the pinnacle of professional American football, held fast to its traditional roots while acknowledging the need to evolve. Navigating this delicate balance of staying true to its rich heritage while adopting a digital pivot posed a significant challenge, which was embraced head-on with the partnership of our branding consultancy.


The primary task was to reimagine the beloved NFL Game Pass brand as a forward-looking part of the NFL Network, thus introducing a contemporary take on a legacy brand. The challenge was to encapsulate this digital evolution in a brand identity system that would resonate with the NFL's traditional audience and the younger, digitally-savvy demographic.


Our approach involved closely aligning our vision with that of the NFL Network's marketing and product teams. We delved into the NFL's storied history while paying heed to current branding trends and audience needs. A crucial aspect of our approach was ensuring that the new brand identity was distinctly recognizable as part of the NFL Network, despite being a separate entity.


Drawing upon the NFL's rich legacy and the spirit of digital innovation, we transformed the NFL Game Pass into NFL+. This new brand identity was introduced in the form of a logo that daringly steps out of the iconic NFL shield, signaling a brave new era for the NFL Network. The Vega Star in the logo has many symbolic ties to the NFL: stitching on the football, each end of the football where the seams come together and even player cleats all coming together and connecting the NFL's storied past with its digital future.

Key Takeaways

This bold reimagining of the NFL Game Pass into NFL+ underscores the transformative power of design. It seamlessly blends a cherished legacy with a contemporary vision, encapsulating our belief that design is a tool for world-changing impact. This case study affirms that branding is not merely about aesthetics, but a bridge connecting a brand to its audience. It underlines our commitment to championing equity, inclusivity, and wellness in the digital sphere.

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